Celovitost in neznatnost organizacije, (2010) Institut za management
Marija Ovsenik
Milan Ambrož – vodilni avtor
V tej monografski publikaciji vodilni avtor preizkusi in razvije model inovativne organizacije, ki ga je predstavil v monografiji »Viharnost organizacije«. Vodilni avtor ugotavlja, da je na področju storitev zdravstva in socialnega varstva še veliko neizkoriščenih inovacijskih potencialov.
The Wholeness and Triviality of Organization, (2010) Institute for Management
Marija Ovsenik
Milan Ambrož – principal author
Principal author tests and develops the experimental model, which is described in the monograph »Turbulent Organization«. Empirical findings of the study in health and social service organizations show that there are many areas where innovative organizational solutions could be successfully implemented.